Dance: 1-2 February 2025. Creative Arts: March 2025. Music, Speech & Drama: 12-16 November 2025.


Use this Online Entry form for Creative Arts classes:
   Handwriting, Short Story, Poem, Art, Sculpture, Photography, Pottery, Ceramics, Textiles and Original Music Composition.

Closing date for entries: Friday 31st January 2025 - late entries will not be accepted.


The Eisteddfod Partnership Number box is for those organisations which are Eisteddfod partners; ignore if not. If you are an Eisteddfod Partner, then you do not pay now; you will be sent an invoice later for payment.

The 'Show Class Lists' button will display all the classes numbers. The 'Download Class List' in the right sidebar gives more detail, but still do read the relevant rules on the Rules Page.

Use Tab key or mouse to move between fields.

You can enter multiple items here in the same entry form; use the 'Add New Rows' button and its associated checkboxes.

This year all classes are based on school years.

You cannot save this entry form as partly done but you can submit many forms; each form is just for a number of items. So complete what items you can and submit another entry form later. The system remembers the address details, so you shouldn't have to enter those more than once.

Click here for wider format (it's easier to fill in the form):   


Eisteddfod Partnership Number      (if in Eisteddfod Partnership scheme)


Item Number Entrant's Name Class Number Class Name Price (£) Delete Row

Submitted Work

If you are an Eisteddfod Partner School then we will collect the work from you. Otherwise please send or deliver the submitted work associated with this entry to Mrs Claire Magill, c/o Devizes Books, Sidmouth Street, Devizes, SN10 1LD (open Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm) to arrive by 5pm on Friday 31st January 2025 at the latest, earlier if possible. Mark the envelope ENTRIES and your entry number (eg 25A001). If possible please include a copy of the Acknowledgement email that you will receive when you make an entry here.


The Total payment required is £

If you are an Eisteddfod Partner you do not need to pay now; we will invoice you in due course.

If you are not a partner then please send the total payment required by Bank Transfer.

Sort Code: 30-92-63, Account Number: 00091902, Account Name: Devizes Eisteddfod.
Be sure to enter the Entry Number (eg 25A001) that you will be given when this entry has been submitted as the Payment reference.

Or you can pay by cheque if you prefer, made out to Devizes Eisteddfod, and send to Mrs Claire Magill, c/o Devizes Books, Handel House, Sidmouth Street, Devizes SN10 1LD. Write the Entry Number on the back of the cheque.
Please say which payment method you are using in the Comment box below.

Person Submitting Entry (And to whom all correspondence will be addressed)


Address details already recorded, thankyou. No need to re-enter.


I have read and agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations contained in the current Syllabus.

I understand that by completing this entry form I am giving my consent for personal data to be collected and securely stored for the purpose of the administration of the Devizes Eisteddfod.

(optional) I agree that the entrant(s) may be photographed by the official photographer and that these photographs may be used on the Eisteddfod website and publicity. (If some cannot then tick YES here and put details in the Comment box.)

(optional) I would like to receive details of forthcoming Eisteddfod events.

Comment (optional)



If you are an Eisteddfod Partner School we will collect the work from you, and invoice you in due course.

Otherwise please send the submitted work associated with this entry to Mrs Claire Magill, c/o Devizes Books, Sidmouth Street, Devizes, SN10 1LD (open Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm) between 2nd December 2024 and 31 January 2025. Mark the envelope ENTRY and your entry number (eg 25A001) and if possible include a copy of the Acknowledgement email that you will receive when you make an entry here, and your cheque if paying by cheque.

You can pay the entry fee by bank transfer (BACS) or cheque. See details in the Payment section on the form and acknowledgement email. Be sure to enter your Entry Number as the Bank reference, or on the back of the cheque, or else we don't know who it is from.

We will acknowledge all entries (and fees received) by email. Entry acknowledgement should be immediate, so if you have not received an acknowledgement email, please check your Junk folder, or contact our Creative Arts Manager (See below)


   Creative Arts Manager


The Syllabus is also available for free from Devizes Books, Handel House, Sidmouth Street, Devizes SN10 1LD and Wansbroughs Solicitors, Northgate House, Northgate St, Devizes SN10 1JX from 9 September 2024.