Creative Arts: March 2025. Music, Speech & Drama: 12-16 November 2025. Dance: 31 Jan-1 Feb 2026.

Dance Entries have now reached capacity and have been closed.
In case of queries please contact Kathy Goodspeed ( )

Having had time to get my breath back, I would like to thank all the performers, teachers and parents for their hard work in producing such lovely performances.

Our 2026 festival will be held on Saturday 31st January and Sunday 1st February 2026. Sadly that will be my last festival in charge, but the good news is that we have a new, much younger and far more experienced person taking over, so I have no doubt the festival will go from strength to strength.

With very best wishes to everyone,


31st Jan & 1st Feb 2026

Eisteddfod Dance Festival

Click on the headings below for further details

Dance Classes 2025 ...

Dance Classes

D1 Ballet 5 years & under
D2 Ballet 6 - 7 years
D3 Ballet 8 - 9 years
D4 Ballet 10 -11 years
D5 Ballet 12 - 13 years
D6 Ballet 14 - 15 years
D7 Ballet over 15 years
D8 Character 5 years & under
D9 Character 6 - 7 years
D10 Character 8 - 9 years
D11 Character 10 -11 years
D12 Character 12 - 13 years
D13 Character 14 - 15 years
D14 Character over 15 years
D15 Tap 5 years & under
D16 Tap 6 - 7 years
D17 Tap 8 - 9 years
D18 Tap 10 -11 years
D19 Tap 12 - 13 years
D20 Tap 14 - 15 years
D21 Tap over 15 years
D22 Modern 5 years & under
D23 Modern 6 - 7 years
D24 Modern 8 - 9 years
D25 Modern 10 -11 years
D26 Modern 12 - 13 years
D27 Modern 14 - 15 years
D28 Modern over 15 years
D29 Lyrical 8 - 9 years
D30 Lyrical 10 -11 years
D31 Lyrical 12 - 13 years
D32 Lyrical 14 - 15 years
D33 Lyrical over 15 years
D34 Song & Dance 5 years & under
D35 Song & Dance 6 - 7 years
D36 Song & Dance 8 - 9 years
D37 Song & Dance 10 -11 years
D38 Song & Dance 12 - 13 years
D39 Song & Dance 14 - 15 years
D40 Song & Dance over 15 years
D41 Cabaret Duet 7 years & under
D42 Cabaret Duet 8 - 9 years
D43 Cabaret Duet 10 -11 years
D44 Cabaret Duet 12 - 13 years
D45 Cabaret Duet 14 - 15 years
D46 Cabaret Duet over 15 years
D47 Classical Duet 7 years & under
D48 Classical Duet 8 - 9 years
D49 Classical Duet 10 -11 years
D50 Classical Duet 12 - 13 years
D51 Classical Duet 14 - 15 years
D52 Classical Duet over 15 years
D53 Classical Trio/Quartet 7 years & under
D54 Classical Trio/Quartet 8 - 9 years
D55 Classical Trio/Quartet 10 -11 years
D56 Classical Trio/Quartet 12 - 13 years
D57 Classical Trio/Quartet 14 - 15 years
D58 Classical Trio/Quartet over 15 years
D59 Cabaret Trio/Quartet 7 years & under
D60 Cabaret Trio/Quartet 8 - 9 years
D61 Cabaret Trio/Quartet 10 -11 years
D62 Cabaret Trio/Quartet 12 - 13 years
D63 Cabaret Trio/Quartet 14 - 15 years
D64 Cabaret Trio/Quartet over 15 years
D65 Classical Group 8 years & under
D66 Classical Group 9 - 11 years
D67 Classical Group 12 - 14 years
D68 Classical Group 15 years & over
D69 Cabaret Group 8 years & under
D70 Cabaret Group 9 - 11 years
D71 Cabaret Group 12 - 14 years
D72 Cabaret Group 15 years & over
Dance Rules ...

Dance Rules

Entrants must be bona-fide amateurs and not be in full time vocational students. For the purpose of the Eisteddfod an amateur is defined as someone who does not derive his/her livelihood from this branch of performance. The Dance Manager reserves the right to accept/refuse an entry.

Entries must be made online on this website.  Entries are filed on a first come, first served basis until the classes have reached capacity. In the event of the Eisteddfod being oversubscribed the Committee reserves the right to return any entry that cannot be accommodated. Solo entries are non-transferable and fees will be forfeited when entries definitely registered are cancelled. Any entries received after full capacity is reached will have their fees returned. The committee may combine sections or classes where entries are small and divide a class where entries are large. Manual entries for duets, trios or quartets to be on one form with one cheque or BACS payment. Group entries cannot be accepted without the name of the group being clearly stated.

Any performer withdrawing from the event should notify the Dance Manager before the commencement of the class.

Performers must dance in the order given in the programme. Any competitors missing at this time are called at the end of the class. Any performer who has insufficient time to change their costume will also be called at the end of the class. No performer may enter the same class more than once in their own age group for each solo section and twice for each technique in a duet or trio section. A minimum of five dancers constitutes a group. Solo dancers may not be substituted but in the unavoidable absence of a partner, one substitute will be allowed in a duet, two in a trio/quartet and three in a group.

Performers and their supporters must be aware that timings are approximate and dancers must be ready to dance 30 minutes prior to their advertised class time. It is the responsibility of the dancer to advise their supporters of this rule. Any performer arriving late (excluding costume change) may run the risk of disqualification. Re-starts, apart from equipment malfunction, will only be allowed for performers aged 9 years or under.

Performers, teachers or parents are not permitted to communicate with the Adjudicator at any time. Any necessary communication should be made via the Adjudicator’s Scribe or to a steward at the reception desk.

The Eisteddfod welcomes entries from performers who have special needs, but notification of the nature of any condition must be made to the Dance Manager when entries are submitted. A full explanation of the condition would be appreciated together with documentary evidence, if appropriate. It is necessary for parents and teachers to be aware of their responsibilities in entering any performers with limited  physical capabilities or special needs, bearing in mind the limitations imposed by the stage and surrounding environment and changing areas.
There are only two changing rooms, one for male performers and one for female. At no time can both sexes share a changing room. It is the responsibility of the parent or teacher to ensure that there are adults of the same sex as the performer to assist with changing.

Age Limits for classes relate to the performer’s age on 1st February 2025.

Access to the changing areas will be allowed up to 60 minutes before the beginning of classes


We will not take music on CDs this year. We will require you to upload music files in advance of the festival. Details of how to do this will be emailed to all entrants in their entry acknowledgement emails.

The stage and stage wings are out of bounds to all except authorised personnel and those about to perform. Authorised persons are Eisteddfod personnel and one parent/teacher/carer if the child is 6 years or under or with special needs. Parents who refuse to obey this rule run the risk of their child being disqualified. Any props should be small enough for the performer to put them on stage (7 years and over). No live props are allowed. In the interests of Health and Safety, no props will be accepted side stage until prior to the class for which they are needed and must be removed immediately the class finishes.

All performers will receive an adjudication sheet and a certificate showing the class category of their performance. Where there are three or fewer in a class only a winner’s medal (gold) will be awarded. In classes of four then a 2nd place medal (silver) may be awarded. In classes of five or more a 3rd place medal (bronze) may be awarded. In order to receive any medal the mark must be at least 80. Medals for those in groups may, if the appropriate mark is achieved, be purchased at the reception desk for £2.

Please be aware of the Eisteddfod Safeguarding Policy as detailed on pages 9 & 10 of the syllabus. Signature on the entry form confirms that this policy has been read. When an entry is made by a young person under 18 the entry form must be countersigned by a parent/guardian/responsible adult.

To comply with new legislation which came into force in May 2018, before an entry can be accepted it is essential the Eisteddfod has permission to hold the data collected. If you are agreeable please tick and sign the appropriate box on the entry form. Please refer to page 6 of the Syllabus.

The Eisteddfod is bound by copyright law and cannot allow flash photography, tape or video recording during any performance or adjudication. The Eisteddfod does not accept any liability for the infringement of copyright, recording or performing rights. Teachers and choreographers using CDs created from recordings are advised that they themselves are responsible for seeking permission to re-record.

Dance Music Upload ...

Dance Music Uploading

The music upload facility has now been closed. Thank you to all who have used it !

If you have any questions please contact :
Kathy Goodspeed (dance admin):
or Conor Maxwell (technical):

Dance Info ...


Monday 14th October 2024

The Syllabus will be available here online.

Monday 4th November 2024

Entries will open on this website for Dance classes for February 2025. Entries will close when full.

w/c 18th November 2024

Performers notified of class times

7th December 2024

Music upload facility will open here.

17th January 2025

Music uploading facility closes, 6pm.

Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd February 2025

Eisteddfod Dance Festival


Lavington School,
Market Lavington,
SN10 4EB


Kelly Hopkins

Dance Results 2025 ...

Select Dance Results for 2025

Please choose one of the following:

(Tab to move between fields or just click on the appropriate button.)

By Day :             (Classes will be in reverse order, ie latest first)
By Class Number : (       )      

(eg D5)

By Class Name :      

(Start typing, select the right one from list, click Select button)

By Performer:      


Dance Results Feb 2025

Select Results above.

Use one of the Selections to select the results.

Please note that for users on older phones and tablets :
You may need to click "Select Class By Number" twice.
And "Select Class by Name" may not show the helpful list of class names, so you will have to enter the exact class name and number from the Programme. (Probably easier to get the class number from the Programme and use "Select Class by Number" as above.)