Dance: 1-2 February 2025. Creative Arts: March 2025. Music, Speech & Drama: 12-16 November 2025.

Music, Speech & Drama FAQs

         How do I book for the Eisteddfod ?

All entries are now made on-line through this website. Entries will be open between Monday 1st July and Friday 4th October 2024. So for Music, Speech & Drama entries go to the Music, Speech & Drama page. Click on the Entry Form button and follow the instructions. The classes are listed there too.

The Syllabus and Class Lists (available to download from the Entry page) contain details of all the classes. Please also read the relevant Rules.

You can make as many entries as you like, and each entry can contain a number of performances. However a performer is only allowed one performance per class, except in non-competitive classes.

When you have submitted your entry we will automatically send you an Acknowledgement email, containing the details of your entry, as a useful reminder, and our payment details. (Check your junk mail folder if it does not arrive.)

Payment is made by Bank Transfer (BACS), though we will take cheques if necessary. Your entry is not confirmed until payment has been received. When payment has been received we will send you a confirmation email.

For Creative Arts and Dance entries, go to the appropriate discipline page

         How much does it cost to take part ?

Entry to all Music, Speech and Drama classes costs £7.50 per performance, except where shown for the more complex classes. The prices are in the Syllabus and Class Lists and are displayed as you make your entry.

Payment must be made by Bank Transfer (BACS). Details will be provided on the Acknowledgement email which is sent immediately after you have submitted the entry. (Check your junk mail folder if it does not arrive.)

The entry is not confirmed until payment has been received. When payment has been received we will send you a confirmation email.

         When will I hear about my class times ?

We will email everyone who submitted an entry no later than Thursday 17th October 2024 with the dates and times and venues of their performances. Please note that this email will go to the school if it was the school who submitted the entry.

         Can I arrange for an official accompanist ?

Yes the Eisteddfod can arrange an official accompanist, though we would prefer you to bring your own accompanist. The cost is £3 per accompanied performance. If you wish to arrange practice sessions then you need to arrange this, and the cost, with the accompanist; we will give you their contact details.

You need to send a copy of the music to Michael Johnson (20 Dial Close, Seend, Melksham, SN12 6NP ) at the time of entering, stating the entry number, class and performer's name.

The Eisteddfod reserves the right to refuse to accept certain items of repertoire if the complexity of the music is such that preparation time for the accompanist would be too long.

         Do I have to bring a music stand ?

No. Music stands will be provided.

         Why am I not allowed to take away photocopied music after a performance ?

The use of photo or other facsimile copies of printed music without the permission of the publisher is forbidden and against the law. A copy may be made for the adjudicator provided the performer has an original copy of the music available on the day: the photocopied copy will be retained and then destroyed by the Executive Committee.

         How does my school or business become an Eisteddfod partner ?

If your organisation can guarantee a certain number of entries to the Eisteddfod, the festival will give you a benefit package including reduced rate entry fees, free advertising and other marketing initiatives. For further information please see details of the Partnership Scheme on this website, under Information on the menu.

Creative Arts FAQs

         How do I enter the Eisteddfod?

Your entry must be made on-line via this website from Monday 2nd December 2024. You will receive an automated acknowledgement email on receipt of your entry. Please check that all the details of your entry are correct. Note that entries will close at 5pm on Friday 31st January 2025. All the associated submitted items must arrive at the Eisteddfod by the closing date: 5pm Friday 31st January 2025.

         How much does it cost to enter?

It costs £3 per item to enter.  

If you are from an Eisteddfod partnership school you will be invoiced the total amount after entry.

Otherwise please pay by bank transfer (sort code: 30-92-63, account number: 00091902, account name: Devizes Eisteddfod) as soon as you have made your entry.  Please use the Reference number you will be given on entry as the Payment Reference. Your entry will only be confirmed when payment has been received, when you should get an email confirming your payment and entry. If you do not get this confirmation email shortly after payment, then please contact us as something has gone amiss and we will investigate.

If you prefer to pay by cheque, please make it out to Devizes Eisteddfod and put the Reference number on the back of the cheque. Be sure to include your cheque when sending your items to the Eisteddfod. As above your entry will only be confirmed on receipt of payment.

         How do I submit items for the Eisteddfod?

If you are from an Eisteddfod partnership school, you will be contacted to arrange collection of your items from your school by a member of the Eisteddfod committee.

Otherwise you will need to send or deliver your items by 5pm on Friday 31st January 2025 to:

Mrs Claire Magill, c/o Devizes Books, Sidmouth Street, Devizes, SN10 1LD
(Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm).

In all cases, please ensure that each item is clearly marked with the child/student’s name, Eisteddfod class, and title of the work.

         When do I need to enter? 

The deadline for all entries is 5pm Friday 31st January 2025.  We are not able to accept any entries after this date. 

         What if I have additional item(s) to those I have already entered on-line?

If, after entering on-line, you find you have any additional item(s) (perhaps from a newly-arrived member into your school class), then make a new entry for them on-line. It doesn't matter how many entries you make, they all get combined.

         When will I hear about the results?

Schools/parents of winners and any runners-up will be notified by email by Friday 7th March 2025. All results will be available on the website on Friday 7th March 2025.

         What awards will be given?

The adjudicators will give a completed comment sheet and certificate for every item received. For each Eisteddfod class, they will select a class winner who will receive a trophy.  In some classes there will also be runners-up who will each receive a medal.

         How will awards be presented?

All class winners and any runners-up will be invited to the Creative Arts Presentation which will take place at 6.30pm on Thursday 20th March 2025 at the Town Hall in Devizes.  They will receive their awards from the adjudicators and be able to see their work on display.  This exhibition of displayed work will then be on display in Devizes Library on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd March 2025, 9.30am to 4pm.

         Which items will be displayed at the Creative Arts Presentation?

All class winners’ items will be displayed, together with those from any runners-up.  Depending on available space, we may also be able to display some other work that the adjudicators were particularly impressed with.

         Who may attend the Creative Arts Presentation?

All class winners and any runners-up, together with their parents or other family members, will be invited to attend the Creative Arts Presentation evening on Thursday 20th March 2025.  Anyone else may come to Devizes Library to see the displayed work on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd March 2025. (9.30 am to 4 pm)

         When will items be available for collection after the Eisteddfod?

If you are from an Eisteddfod partnership school, all your items will be delivered back to your school by a member of the Eisteddfod committee on Tuesday and Wednesday 25/26 March 2025.

Otherwise, items can be collected from Devizes Books, Sidmouth Street, Devizes, SN10 1LD (Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm) from Monday 24th March 2025. Items must be collected by Friday 4th April 2025. Any uncollected items will be destroyed.